Woodland Management Day

A couple of weeks ago we held our first woodland management day which we hope to repeat later in the year. We had nearly 30 attendees of all ages and they embraced the day with enthusiasm and energy. The children had a tree identification hunt, and then wielding secateurs went off in groups to tackle…

Easter lambs and events

After some dreadful weather at Manna which caused the ewes to hold fire, they finally gave birth just before Easter so we now have 7 bonnie lambs. They have already been held by many children as we hosted 3 activity days at Manna over the holidays. The Smile Project joined us for a day which…

Winter at Manna

We have had a remarkably busy winter at Manna despite some incredibly cold and wet weeks. Our Winter Gathering thankfully lacked the snow, sleet, and gale force winds that last years offered, which no one missed! Instead this year there were glimpses of blue sky and certainly no minus temperatures so a grand success on…

Smiles all round

The Smile Connect families returned for the second time this summer for another day of creative woodland and river fun. We had a super day and it was lovely to welcome back familiar faces. A big thank you to the JP Morgan volunteers for being a part of the day and helping to make it…

Friday antics

Our All age Fridays have been very popular over the summer with all sorts of creative and bushcraft activities. The weather has obviously been incredible so each week the kids have ended up in the river either on kayaks, a homemade raft, or casting willow fishing rods with the hopes of catching a 20 pounder!…

All age Fridays

Our second All age Friday was full of worm exploits as we created wormeries large and small. But a day at Manna is not really complete without time on the river so mini egg rafts were created and launched to round off the day. Next week we will be cooking over and working near the…

Raft egg-sploits

The Smile families returned for another day of fun involving birdbox making and egg raft creations. Lots of new faces joined us and got stuck in alongside others who have been before. It was lovely to have a family back who attended for our first ever Smile activity day 6 years ago!