Therapeutic Placements
We offer placements on Mondays and Wednesdays to adults who have either been referred from a statutory or voluntary organisation, or we are happy to accept self-referrals. We have an assessment process which enables us to plan your programme at Manna and ensures we are aware of any information that will help assist us. If accepted then you will become what we term a Field Companion and will be allocated a designated Team Member. We recognise there is often a need for long term committed support for the Field Companions at Manna, and as such do not put a time limit upon attendance. However, the plan is reviewed regularly to ensure the Project continues to be a positive support for the Field Companion, as well as the Manna community.
If you would like to be considered for a placement then please email us at

All Age Fridays
These days run throughout the term time and are open to all as long as your time at Manna is beneficial to yourself and others. There is no assessment process, so if you would like to attend then please email us at
Join the Team
We welcome anyone who would like to join the team either as a Volunteer or a Team member. Volunteers may attend as regularly as suits, and you do not need to have experience working in this field. We have a need for all kinds of volunteers, be that people who are keen gardeners, animal lovers, cake bakers, or those with a desire to support others. Or if you would like to be considered to join the team and have a background in supporting people then please contact us. You can commit to what fits your life, so that may be once a week, fortnightly, or monthly. To express an interest or for further information, please email us at
Activity Days and Private Bookings
Our children and family activity days run during holiday periods on Fridays and are very popular so need to be booked in advance. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the up and coming activity days then just drop us an email at
We recognise that Manna is a valuable resource to groups either on a regular basis, or in the form of one off activity days. As such, we offer planned events for your group which give exclusive use of the Project for the day. If you are interested in discussing an idea or event then we are flexible and always open to new ideas or opportunities to use Manna to help others, so please contact us by emailing