Tree felling
We had considerable help from members of the Bournemouth Foodbank, which included Tommy shimmying up a tree faster than a monkey!
We had considerable help from members of the Bournemouth Foodbank, which included Tommy shimmying up a tree faster than a monkey!
We are in the midst of creating a new home for our sheep, who are in temporary accomodation up the lane with a very kind neighbour. However, this could not happen until the grass was cut, thanks to one of the wettest June’s in recorded history causing Manna to turn into a jungle seemingly overnight.…
Last year James bravely transported a hive of bees in the back of a car all the way from Suffolk, which was a somewhat nerve wracking journey made worse by queues on the M25! Sadly the bees chose not to reside with us, though they kindly left us 18 jars of honey for which we…
So this is the other end of the sheep shearing day, which was somewhat longer than expected. Without going into detail there were ‘issues’ with escapees, who were utterly determined not to be stripped of their dignity. As a result, we have one very obedient Jacob who is now free of his winter overcoat, but…
So today Jacob and Leah are going to have their winter overcoats taken from them in preparation for the hot days we all hope will come. As I type looking at the mist lifting from the fields, they remain blissfully unaware of what this day holds for them. One only hopes they will not suddenly…