
The Woodland Trust has generously chosen to donate 105 trees to Project Manna to help revive the water meadow area. The trees are a mix of native British trees that suit wet or boggy land, and to help shade and cool rivers and streams. Our plan is to clear an area beside the river and…

The Wombles live on!

At Manna we are learning to be resourceful and imaginative with things that would otherwise go to waste. We have made links with local people and businesses who are giving us all manner of useful provisions. For example, a local tree surgeon drops off his wood chippings which we use for weed suppressants, pathways, and…

What’s that bleating I hear?

After many months of fence post bashing, and lots of helping hands, we were finally able to welcome our first animals onto the land. They came in the form of 4 rather interesting horned sheep. And what furry beauties they are! After a remarkably smooth transition from neighbouring land, they couldn’t wait to tuck into…

Fencing time

We are in the midst of creating a new home for our sheep, who are in temporary accomodation up the lane with a very kind neighbour. However, this could not happen until the grass was cut, thanks to one of the wettest June’s in recorded history causing Manna to turn into a jungle seemingly overnight.…

One down, one to go.

So this is the other end of the sheep shearing day, which was somewhat longer than expected. Without going into detail there were ‘issues’ with escapees, who were utterly determined not to be stripped of their dignity. As a result, we have one very obedient Jacob who is now free of his winter overcoat, but…