Half Term Activity fun

We had another successful activity day with lots of lovely new families. The children harvested their own willow to create colourful staffs. They showed excellent creativity skills by carving, painting, and flamboyantly decorating their staffs, and most of them ended the day climbing the Den while making new friends. Thank you all for coming once…

Easter antics with Smile Connect

We had a super activity day with the Smile Connect families who had great fun making kazoos, a giant bug house, a nature scavenger hunt, cuddling the lambs, and fire pit fun. It was lovely to meet some new families as well as welcome back others. It was great to have a family return who…

A new year has begun

As we welcome in a new year and another season unfolds, we are taking time to look back over the last years developments at Manna. Our Life Giving Skills project and holiday activity days have led to a whole new chapter at Manna where children and families are very much a part of the land.…

All in a days work

We have been running the Life Giving Skills project since last September and it continues to be a great success. Each week we get children and adults involved with all sorts of farming and horticultural activities, focussing upon sustainable farming on a micro level. To give you a snapshot, last week following the discovery of…

Open day successes

A couple of weeks ago we held our first plant sale and open day and it was a wonderful success. Many people came on what was a beautiful summers day. We sold lots of plants, cakes, and drinks, and the kids had a great time, kayaking on the river and roasting marshmallows over the fire…

Ewe poo-infusion anyone?

This year as a part of the Life Giving Skills project we have started a Jadan Liquid Fertiliser (JLF) micro farm, with the aim of producing all of our plant feeds from materials we produce or grow at Manna. We currently have various plant ‘brews’ going, including comfrey, nettles, and dock leaves – all selected…

Manna open day and plant sale

We will have lots of plants for sale including: Tomatoes, Cucumbers, French and Runner beans, Courgettes, Peppers, Lettuce, Aubergines, Chillies, Onions, Red Celery, Cabbages, Strawberries, Herbs, Globe artichokes, Dwarf sunflowers, Luffa, Marigolds, Echinacea, Cosmos, Rudbeckia, and many other varieties. So come and fill a bag, box, or your boot with a ready made garden!

Woodland Management Day

A couple of weeks ago we held our first woodland management day which we hope to repeat later in the year. We had nearly 30 attendees of all ages and they embraced the day with enthusiasm and energy. The children had a tree identification hunt, and then wielding secateurs went off in groups to tackle…