Training our lambs

After weeks of watching instructional videos on halter training sheep, one of our volunteers bravely tested out her knowledge on one of this years lambs. She commenced the training last week, demonstrating remarkable confidence and skill, so we expect the flock to be at her heel by the end of the summer!

Manna homebrew…

This year we decided to make use of the elderflower trees we have dotted across the project by experimenting with some home-brew. So our Syrian ladies made some rather tasty elderflower cordial while Bethany kicked off 5 gallons of elderflower champagne. The cordial went down a treat and the champagne continues to brew…

Funding news

We are pleased to announce 2 very significant donations for Manna. The first is towards our workshop building project which will provide a multi-purpose room giving us a place for shelter, meetings, 1:1 sessions, and indoor activities. Our funding target for this is £1,800 and the Wakeham Trust have very generously given us £900 towards…

A surprise for Manna

We had a wonderful surprise this week from 2 of our volunteers who took it on themselves to spend their weekend making a fantastic gate for the entrance into the woods. Anyone who has visited the project will know the ramshackle makeshift ‘gate’ we have had to date which was to keep the deer from…

Frog hotel

This past week we have created a pond in the middle of the edible growing area, with the hope it will attract frogs who will feast upon the slug population. We are growing produce using organic methods which means we have a constant battle with slimy predators, so are trying to come up with natural…

Lambs are here!

Our first lambs of the year have arrived today, with one ginormous one needing a helping hand (or arm) to enter the world. The timing was perfect as for once the ewe chose a daytime slot, which was warm and dry as opposed to 3am with a frost. We have 3 more mums to be…

Willow antics

We are enjoying the willow shelters planted 18 months ago which have taken root beside the river. Having had such success with them we plan to plant more at the end of the year, creating spots for people to stop and enjoy a moment of rest and reflection. But yesterday we fancied a bit of…

A new year begins

Lots of plans are afoot for the year 2019, and we have launched straight into them thanks to some glorious days. Our ram lamb twins made a successful great escape over the Winter, so a new and far more secure paddock was in order. We have welcomed 2 more volunteers into the project, with one…