New look website

We have spent the past couple of months re-shaping the website so as to make it a more informative resource for anyone interested in Manna. We have finally launched this ‘new look’ website which will no doubt continue to evolve in the coming months and years as the Project grows. So if you get a…

What’s your favourite tree?

We held another successful tree planting day in November thanks to funding from the Tree Council, the International Tree Foundation, and our supporters. These lovely fruit trees are thriving now and will provide plentiful produce for those at Manna in years to come. The International Tree Foundation are keen to know what your favourite Tree…

Funding success

We have recently received the great news that the National Garden Scheme are giving us £3,500 to build a sensory raised garden for wheelchair users. This will be such an asset for the Project as we currently don’t have anywhere accessible for wheelchair users. The beds will be built from railway sleepers, resting on a…

Our final lamb is born

A few days ago, after what we think was a tricky birth, our final Jacob lamb was born. It is a female which is wonderful because she will join our group of ageing ewes. However, we are a bit concerned she may have some issues with eyesight, and is quite frail. It’s hard to see…

Frosty Trees

Following our second annual tree planting day in November, our trees seem to be holding up to the somewhat biblical amounts of water they are receiving. Thank you to all who made it for the day, which was a great success with a total of 43 trees planted! We only have 37 left to go…